
What is the Difference Between Child Custody and Co-Parenting in Divorce Cases? 

Divorcing couples generally fight for child custody as they want to keep their children away from the other parent. In this procedure, one parent is responsible for the complete caregiving responsibilities while the other will visit the child. However, it is suitable in some cases; there are 

instances in which the child may go unattended by the other parent for a long time. 

Therefore, there is a concept of co-parenting in which both parents share equal responsibility for caregiving. It provides more stability to the children, which is way more acceptable by couples in recent times. If you are in the middle of divorce and you want support from divorce lawyers, then you can see various lawyers sites such as Turco Legal, P.C

What is Child Custody? 

Traditional Child Custody involves one parent who is a primary caregiver, and there is scheduled visitation from the other parent. The caregiver parent lives with the child, and the major decision-making is in their hands regarding their education and healthcare. The visitation parent needs to be thoroughly involved; there are weekly meetings or other occasions to meet. 

In this child custody, there can be severe effects on the child’s personality as the child is away from one parent for a long time. This separation makes them vulnerable to anxiety and depression. 

What is Co-Parenting? 

Co-parenting is an agreement in which both parents are equally involved. They provide a stable relationship with their children, and each parent is responsible for the child. They cooperate in every aspect of the child’s growth. In this, the visitation schedule is more flexible and frequent. 

In child custody, the conditions are more related to the divorce decree. But in co-parenting, this is beyond the law. The parents try to create an environment in which there is more communication, cooperation and better values for the child so that the divorce does not impact the mental health of the child. 

What are the Advantages of Co-Parenting? 

  • There would be more shared decisions between parents because they will decide together about the well-being of the children. 
  • In co-parenting, access to records will be available for both the parents in hospitals and schools. 
  • Co-parenting also makes the visitations more flexible, and therefore, it is helpful for both the parents and the child. 

So, the parents should opt for co-parenting rather than child custody, which poses a depression threat to the child. However, it is only possible in cases where the divorce is mutual and there is no aggressive element. Divorce lawyers can explain to you better about the divorce and custody requirements, so you must consult them for better advice.